About Common To Moms

There are many common life experiences we share as women, and sometimes life is less than glorious. That’s when we need a little inspiration to get us through the day. Welcome to Common to Moms, where we find motivation for meaningful living on our every-day journey as women, wives and mothers.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Continue On

After four weeks of implementing and tracking habits, I have seen a little effort make enough of a difference to be encouraged. In the past, it has seemed daunting to try to "start small"- there are so many things in my life that really need changing. Just knowing that though, never made any difference. My refusal to fix one thing at a time meant that I fixed nothing at all, so in spite of all my awareness of things that were wrong in my life, nothing ever changed...

Until last month. Last month, I worked to do laundry, take a shower, and do a chore around the house every day. Then even when I didn't, it didn't matter, I just waited for the next day and jumped in again. I reviewed how I did each week and resolved that this week I would do better, and I did. By the end of four weeks, not only do I have some more habits (or almost habits), but my thinking is changed. I notice what laundry needs to be done or finished now (instead of just accepting the mounds of it as part of the scenery). I can tell more clearly what things in my life hold me back from productivity and true change (tiredness from lack of sleep is a big one).

One surprise I didn't bargain for though, is a craving to do it again. I want to re-create this system all over. I can see in sharp focus now, what things will be most beneficial to my life and I want a plan of action to implement them.

Since blogging about my attempts to change was more successful than anything else I've tried, I think it would be a good idea to do it again.

Will you continue on with me and keep me accountable to form some new habits? Will you keep cheering me on? .....

I'm going to assume your answer is a 'yes'... :)

So here is what I'm attempting to tackle this time.

Showering is already a habit- whoot!

Laundry is something I need to nail down, so I'm going for it again with gusto.

While doing my chore of choice, I realized that the biggest things that contribute time consuming mess to my house are laundry and dirty dishes. Washing dishes every day will keep my house looking much better!

Since fatigue is my biggest sabotaging influence for how well I do in life in general, going to bed at 10:30 6 nights out of 7 is going to be my truly new habit to try to implement- and one of the most important ones. (I am a night owl, so I will have fun giving myself one night of wiggle room :) )

My last habit is going to be one that is most frustrating to other people. I guess you would call it following through. You know when you get an email or a phone call, but you don't feel like you have the time/energy to respond? Then a day goes by and you forget... and then you get distracted, suddenly remember and then forget, and forget ... and well, you get the picture. My new goal is to spend 15 minutes every day following through with those types of things. Calling people that need to be called. Getting things ready to send at the post office. Making a deposit slip. Instead of letting those things build up, I'm going to see what's on my list and face it... I hope! :)

In addition to my daily habits, I have been working on a weekly task. You know, the whole clutter clearing thing. I can already see a difference in my living room, and I am getting excited to look ahead at next week's clutter spot to clear (who'd-uh-thunk-it?). So I think now is the time to add another weekly task to my routine, and I know exactly which one I want it to be. Vacuuming. I am only a sporadic vacuum-er, but with white carpet and my allergies to dust, it could really use a good once over every week.

So there it is- my four old & new habits to work on and one weekly task: Laundry, Dishes, Bed @ 10:30pm, 15 minutes of "follow through" (for lack of a better term), and weekly vacuuming.

I can't wait to start sharing with you how these things go!
Who gets excited to blog about adding new cleaning habits to their life? Apparently, I do! :)


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