About Common To Moms

There are many common life experiences we share as women, and sometimes life is less than glorious. That’s when we need a little inspiration to get us through the day. Welcome to Common to Moms, where we find motivation for meaningful living on our every-day journey as women, wives and mothers.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Common to Moms Blogiversary Survey!

Wow!! Can you believe it?! March 20th of last week marked one year of blogging!

First off, a thanks is in order for all of you reading along! (I think there are 10 of you?:-)) I know I can be pretty scatter-brained and sometimes inconsistent, but I love that you check back in with me, leave comments and contribute your insightful thoughts to the discussions here. Without you, I would write to a blank cyber-space style wall... which would still be therapeutic, but not nearly as fun.

I am also aware that there are a few of you who read that I know in "real life" and a few that are blog friends (Lindsay calls them "blends"). Some of you even fall into both categories!

So in honor of one year blogging, I would love to hear from you! (Since I am usually the one rambling on!) I know there will only be about 2 answers to this post (one of which might be my sister), but still, I would love for you to leave a comment answering a quick five minute survey... That way I get to know you and you also get to know each other! To be fair, I am answering these questions too.

Here are the questions:

1. What is your name? General location? Field of expertise? (i.e. banker, stay at home mommy/writer, etc)
I'm Rachel (as you hopefully already know) and I was raised in Kentucky but now live in Virginia. I am a part-time nanny, ballet teacher and a mommy. I majored in French in college and still love the French language.

2. If you could change one thing about your personality what would it be? (Don't think too hard about this one... think interesting tidbit- not soul searching, otherwise you might get too psyched out to leave a comment!)
I would be more driven to achieve goals and accomplish things... oh and I would be more organized for sure! (... that is technically two things... oh well!)

3. What is your favorite part of your personality?
That I am laid-back (well... sometimes) and like to enjoy a slow pace of life. I am able to enjoy the moments in life as they come without rushing them. (Interesting how the thing I love about myself and the thing I would change are a bit at odds. I guess finding the balance is difficult for everyone!)

4. What are your THREE favorite blogs/websites to find inspiration for life?
AHHH!!! Just three?!?! That is so hard to choose! Every blog I have listed over on the right is one I have gleaned something from so you should definitely check them all out one rainy afternoon when you have nothing to do... But the 3 I find the MOST inspiration from life about would have to be Young House Love, Bower Power and Little Bit Funky.

So now it's your turn! Add a comment with your answers to the survey. I can't wait to hear more about each of you!

Love, Rachel


  1. 1. My name is Theresa and I am a western PA girl. Pittsburgh Steeler fan all the way! I am a wife of almost 9 years, mother of soon to be 5 (8 and under), a 5th grade classroom teacher, and I love to write over at http://mylittleworldtheresa.blogspot.com/.

    2. I would change my need for control. My husband would agree!

    3. My favorite part about me is that I am dependable. I guess not a real "flashy" trait but people know they can always count on me. And to me, that is important.

    4. I have been REALLY working on marriage as of late. Here are three of my favs.


    1. Hi Theresa! Congratulations on #5 on the way! I have never heard of the blogs you mentioned... Can't wait to check them out. :)

  2. 1. I'm Brittany and I live in sunny St Petersburg, FL! I grew up in VA and will always have a soft spot for my "home" state. I work in the Human Services field as a case manager for people infected with HIV/AIDS. I also love decorating and overall just pretty stylish things (clothes, rooms, etc); and I hope to incorporate that into my career in the future. I co-own an etsy shop called vintage from the burg where we sell vintage clothing.

    2. I think one thing I would change about my perfectionist attitude; I think I have an overall idea of the way things should be and feel defeated when I can't measure up to them. So I'm working at changing my outlook on life a little and allowing myself more grace.

    3. My favorite part of my personality is that I LOVE TO HAVE FUN! It's kind of my motivation for life, I love to have wonderful experiences with my family and friends. I also like that I find enjoyment in life without spending a lot of money and am very easily entertained.

    4. My 3 favorite blogs would definitely be younghouselove.com, bowerpowerblog.com, and stylebyemilyhenderson.com b/c all of these blogs inspire me as well as make me laugh, which is a huge deal (see answer #3)!

    1. Hi Friend! Thanks for sharing in the survey! I love having fun with you and watching your energy and enthusiasm to find good deals and to decorate sweep you away... It is inspiring!

      Love, Rachel
